Cooking Fresh from the Bay AreaCOOKING FRESH FROM THE BAY AREA: The Bay Area’s best recipes for eating local, organic produce at its seasonal best
Edited by Fran McManus and Wendy Rickard. Foreword by Nell Newman.


From vintage apples to country hams and from blue crabs to Hayman potatoes, the Mid-Atlantic region is home to some of the country’s richest farmland and most flavorful foods. Cooking Fresh from the Mid-Atlantic brings together the farmers, the chefs, the recipes, and the experts so you’ll be cooking fresh every day.

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Authors, farmers, and chefs who contributed to Cooking Fresh from the Bay Area


Dan and Kathleen Berman
Paul Bertolli
Wendy Brucker
Jesse Cool
George Cronk
Gary Danko
Jody Denton
Anne Gingrass
Reed Hearon
David Kinch
Nancy Oakes
Bradley Ogden
Daniel Patterson
Michael Quigley
Judy Rodgers
Annie Somerville
Ralph Tingle
Eric Tucker
Thomas Vinolus
Frances Wilson

Bay Area Farmers:
Jim Cochran
Stuart Dickson
Paul Muller
Denesse Wiley

Marion Long Bowlan
Tim Cohen-Mitchell
Gail Feenstra
K. Dun Gifford
Terry Gips
Tom Haller
Elizabeth Henderson
Peter Jaret
Sibella Kraus
Mark Lipson
Fran McManus
Mothers & Others
Nell Newman
David Pimentel
Bernadine Prince
Wendy Rickard
Hope Shand
Michael Shuman
Joel Simmons
Carl Smith
Gary Valen


