FLAVOR is the ultimate expression of place. Flavor quality depends, in large part, on how the genetic potential of a plant or animal is realized or diminished by geography, geology, climate, and culture. After harvest, flavor is further enhanced or diminished by handling, distance to market, and the skill of the processor or cook. Our ability to perceive and enjoy flavor is also influenced by our own genetics, awareness, experience, and surroundings.
Understanding Flavor explores how flavor is affected by plant variety and animal breed, by climate and soil, by the way farmers cultivate their crops and raise their livestock, by the preparation and processing methods used, and by the history, expectations, and mood that each of us brings to the table.
We provide information, products, and resources that enhance the understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of flavor in food and drink. And we make the connection between flavor and scale: both the scale of the farm that provides the raw ingredients and the scale of production on which a product is made.
We believe that the best flavor is created by farmers and producers who have an intimate knowledge of their land and animals and a hands-on approach to guiding their products through harvesting, cooking, preserving, fermenting, baking, aging, and distilling. And we believe that developing a discriminating palate is a matter of practice and awareness.
The path to Understanding Flavor is fascinating and fun. The reward is better food, better farms, and healthier communities.